Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mother's Day

Today we planted a new tree!  Likely it will die.  It is a tradition to buy some nice plants for Mother's Day so we are giving it a go... It is a Purple Fountain Beech.

The garden is coming along nicely.

 Zucchini popping it's head above ground.

Pole beans exploring Hazel's teepee.

 Taters seem to be unaffected by the great flood of April...

 Peas please

 Carrots...the slowest growing vegetable on Earth. Better be worth it.

 Onions and garlic...the sexy veggies!

 Green beans catching some sun

 Spinach.  I'm going to look like Popeye soon.

 Sweet onions and chives.  Mmmm chivey

First harvest!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Earth Day

Celebrated Earth Day in the garden!

Today we planted all the rest of our seeds for this year.

In the new "pumpkin patch" we have:

Butternut Squash - 7-10 days to germination, 85 days to harvest.
Zucchini - 10-14 days to germination, 57 days to harvest.
Acorn Squash - 10-14 days to germination, 57 days to harvest.
Amish Pie Pumpkins - 7-10 days to germination, 90-105 days to harvest.
Big Max Pumpkins - 7-10 days to germination, 120 days to harvest.
Sweet Sugar Pie Pumpkins - 7-14 days to germination, 100 days to harvest.
Glowing White Jack-O-Lantern -  7-14 days to germination, 95 days to harvest.

We started two garden experiments today as well. The first is Hazel's "teepee".  This consists of bamboo poles tied together in a teepee shape.  Kentucky Blue pole beans (60 days to harvest) are planted at the base of each pole.  

The second experiment is call the three sisters.   We planted corn on a large mound.  After the corn sprouts, pole beans will be planted to climb the corn stalks.  Finally, squash is planted to occupy the space at the base of the corn plants.  Stage 1 - Sweet Corn (7-10 days to germination, 82 days to harvest) complete!

In the main garden we planted:
Sugar Daddy Peas - 7-14 days to germination, 65 days to harvest
Watermelon - Who knows???.lost seed packet!
Cucumber - See Above
Eggplant - Still Missing...
Goldenwax Green beans 7-14 days to germination, 50 days to harvest
Provider Green beans  7-14 days to germination,55 days to harvest

How did we get so much done with a crazy toddler running around??  Water + Bucket = hours of entertainment!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

April 6, 2012

Mommy and the kids planted the rest of the "salad" box today.
Bloomsdale Long Standing Spinach (seedlings in 1-2 weeks, salad ready in 48 days)
Lettuce (ditto)
Cherry Belle Radishes (seedlings in 4-6 days, 22 days to harvest!)


Forgot to turn off the sprinklers and  flooded all my potatoes!!  Will have to do some excavating to access the damage.  Doh!

April, 1 2012

Early bloomers!  Thanks to all the sunny days we've been having, flowers are popping up everywhere.  Hard to believe snow is coming...